June 8, 2015 / Michael Luckado
Milestones in New Home Builds
Building your new dream home is extremely exciting and demanding all at the same time. From…

March 24, 2015 / Michael Luckado
Can I Build My Own House?
One common question that comes up when looking at house plans is, “Can I build my own house while…

March 13, 2015 / Michael Luckado
Fixed Price vs. Cost-Plus Contracts
When it comes to hiring contractors, it’s very important to understand the contract options…

January 2, 2015 / Michael Luckado
Sloped Building Lot Considerations
A sloped building lot can provide gorgeous views and add serious character to your new dream…

December 19, 2014 / Michael Luckado
Air Conditioner Foundation Brackets
A great way to protect your exterior air conditioner unit and to improve efficiency is to lift it…

December 12, 2014 / Michael Luckado
Minimum Habitable Room Size Code Change
Hot off the press is a new building code change which affects the minimum required size for…

November 26, 2014 / Michael Luckado
The Inspection Process for New Homes
The local building department can be your best friend when building a new home because they help to…

October 31, 2014 / Michael Luckado
Poured Concrete Foundation Quality Tips
Braced Foundation The foundation for your new home supports the entire structure and its…

October 23, 2014 / Michael Luckado
Top Ten Reasons to Build New
Many of the people that look at house plans have decided that without question, building new is the…

October 16, 2014 / Michael Luckado
Hidden Costs in Home Building
Building a home can be such a gratifying experience. We get to create something from scratch…

October 3, 2014 / Michael Luckado
Insulation for New Homes
As a builder, I’m constantly asked what the best insulation is for new homes. There are so…

September 18, 2014 / Michael Luckado
Contractor Hiring Tips
Once you’ve chosen your house plan and lot, it’s time hire some help to get your dream home…