Craftsman Plan 8594-00480


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Sq Ft 2,844
Beds 4
Bath 3
1/2 Baths 0
Car 2
Stories 2
Width 60'
Depth 62'

Floorplan Drawings

Main Floor
Main Floor for House Plan #8594-00480
Second Floor
Second Floor for House Plan #8594-00480

What's Included in these plans?

  • Front Elevation: Plans include the front elevation at 1/4" or 3/16" and the sides and rear elevations at 1/8" scale.  The elevations show and note the exterior finished materials of the house.
  • Foundation Plans: Walkout basement plans are a 1/4" or 3/16" scale layout of the unfinished spaces showing only the necessary 2x6 wood framed load bearing walls.  The plans will show dimensions, notes and door/window sizes.  Crawl and/or slab foundations are available for some plans.
  • Floor Plans: Floor plans consists of 1/4" or 3/16" scale floor layouts showing the locations of 2x4 walls, doors, windows, plumbing fixtures, cabinetry, stairs and decorative ceilings.  These plans are complete with dimensions, notes, door/window sizes and schematical electrical layout.
  • Building Sections: The building sections are drawings which take vertical cuts through the house and the stairs showing floor, ceiling and roof height information.
  • Kitchen and Bath Elevations: Show the arrangement and size of each cabinet and other fixtures in the room.
  • Floor Framing/Ceiling Framing: NOT AVAILABLE WITH ALL PLANS, PLEASE CONFIRM WITH OUR OFFICE TO ENSURE THIS IS AVAILABLE. Floor framing plans show each floor joist indicating the size, spacing and length.  The ceiling joist framing plan shows each ceiling joist indicating the size, spacing and length.  All beams are labeled and sized.
  • Roof Framing: The roof framing plan shows each rafter, valley, hip and ridge indicating the size, spacing and length. Framing plans are not available for all home plans; please contact our office to ensure availability.
  • Additional Details: Each plan includes one set of typical detail sheets that show foundation details, typical wall sections and other framing details.  Also included on the detail sheets are miscellaneous interior trim and fireplace details that can be used to customize the home.

What's not included:  House plans do not typically include mechanical, plumbing, or truss drawings. Additionally, some jurisdictions require a local architect or engineer to make adjustments to the plan to comply with local building codes. We advise you to check with your local building department regarding codes. For more information, visit the What's Included in Our Plans page.

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About This Plan

This 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom Craftsman house plan features 2,844 sq ft of living space. America's Best House Plans offers high quality plans from professional architects and home designers across the country with a best price guarantee. Our extensive collection of house plans are easy to read, versatile, and affordable, with a seamless modification process available if your plans need to be changed to suit your lifestyle and personal choice.

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