Modern Plan 425-00040


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Sq Ft 2,518
Beds 2-4
Bath 4
1/2 Baths 2
Car 3
Stories 1
Width 67'
Depth 93' 10"

Floorplan Drawings

Main Floor
Main Floor for House Plan #425-00040
Basement for House Plan #425-00040

What's Included in these plans?


This sheet typically contains the plan information including but not limited to; square footages, height of the structure, width and depth and some general notes.  Most plans also have a perspective (3D) view of the front and back of the house.


Plan view of the foundation walls, footings, and suggested locations of posts, beams, and load bearing walls as necessary, all dimensioned for precise bidding and construction.  This plan typically does not note the sizes of the structural members as this MUST be done at the local level by a registered structural engineer of the purchasers choosing.


Plan view of the living spaces on each level of the home.  The plans will be fully dimensioned and noted for interesting features of the plan that might not be obvious without notes.  All opening sizes will be shown, and all equipment will be shown graphically, and most times noted as well.  The plans will also include “section cut” and both interior and exterior “elevation” symbols that have numbers that relate to the exact page in the set to find those specific sections and elevations.


This plan shows the view from above the house showing the ridge and valleys of the plan as well as locations of any roof penetrations by building elements such as dormers, chimneys or other “plan specific” architectural elements; cupolas, weathervanes, etc.


The 2D views of each side of the house and often any hidden walls will be shown and include graphic representation of the suggested building materials like, shingles, stone, brick, siding, stucco, etc.   All vertical dimensions of the building elements are shown and notes calling out material types and suggested building elements such as, but not limited to, trim sizes, vent types and sizes, opening alignment, railing types and purposes, and other elements that are not obvious graphically.


These plans show the suggested locations for lighting and switches.  Often electrical outlets will be shown as well. 


Each plan has at least one and typically more cross section views cut through the plan at areas that show the most relevant information, such as through stairs and raised ceilings spaces to give the purchaser and the builder a better idea of the volume of space as well as some generic and standard construction detailing.  Full vertical dimensions and notes will be provided.


Many plans contain cabinet and/or room elevations of the walls and any interesting features of those spaces.  Some plans also have a small amount of details that might be relevant to that specific plan and/or style of architecture, but most construction detailing is left to the purchaser’s builder to construct their home using the standard building practices of their geographic region. 

What's not included:  House plans do not typically include mechanical, plumbing, or truss drawings. Additionally, some jurisdictions require a local architect or engineer to make adjustments to the plan to comply with local building codes. We advise you to check with your local building department regarding codes. For more information, visit the What's Included in Our Plans page.

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About This Plan

This 2 bedroom, 4 bathroom Modern house plan features 2,518 sq ft of living space. America's Best House Plans offers high quality plans from professional architects and home designers across the country with a best price guarantee. Our extensive collection of house plans are easy to read, versatile, and affordable, with a seamless modification process available if your plans need to be changed to suit your lifestyle and personal choice.

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