Country Garage Plan 341-00040


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Unfin Sq Ft 576
Fin Sq Ft 565
Cars 2
Beds 1
Width 28'
Depth 24'

Floorplan Drawings

Floorplan 1
Floorplan 1 for House Plan #341-00040
Floorplan 2
Floorplan 2 for House Plan #341-00040

What's Included in these plans?

  • Cover Sheet: The cover sheet includes the general notes and building code information, design standards and structural materials specifications required to construct your home.
  • Schedule Sheet: The schedule sheet includes the window, roof and foundation ventilation schedules, insulation specs, and Washington State Energy Code compliance information.
  • Detail Sheet: The detail sheet shows building components at large scale as required to explain construction, including footings, foundation walls, concrete slabs, framed floors and walls, posts, beams, insulation, eaves, roofs, vents, stairs, skylights, and connections.
  • Roof and Foundation Plan Sheet: The roof plan shows the location of all hips, ridges, valleys, dormers, overhangs, gutters, downspouts, roof pitches, structural members, vents, skylights, and all other roof features.  The foundation plan shows the layout and location of the crawl space, walk-out basement or slab foundation, along with all necessary notes, dimensions, and structural information. 
  • Floor Plan Sheet: Floor plans are horizontal sections through each floor level of the home, usually at five feet above the floor, showing the location of interior and exterior walls, floors, stairs, doors, closets, cabinets, flooring, appliances, plumbing fixtures, posts and beams.
  • Exterior Elevation Sheet: Exterior elevations show all four sides of the house, describing the roofing, siding, and trim materials, doors, windows, roof pitches, skylights, gutters, chimneys, wall heights, finish grade and overall building height.
  • Building Section Sheet: Building sections are vertical cuts through the home from the roof to the foundation.  The sections illustrate the construction sequence from bottom to top, starting with excavation, proceeding up through the foundation, drainage, wall and floor framing, roof framing, stair construction, windows, doors, venting, exterior and interior finisheds.

What's not included:  House plans do not typically include mechanical, plumbing, or truss drawings. Additionally, some jurisdictions require a local architect or engineer to make adjustments to the plan to comply with local building codes. We advise you to check with your local building department regarding codes. For more information, visit the What's Included in Our Plans page.

Plan FAQs

Important Note--Why can't this plan be sold in the State of Washington?

Not for Sale for Construction in the State of Washington. If you live in the State of Washington and would like to purchase these plans, please contact us for more information. WA State law requires that all plans produced by an architect licensed in the state of WA for construction be stamped by the architect; consequently, plans not stamped by this designer cannot be built in WA State.  The architect who designed this plan must provide in-state pricing with pricing for any revisions and the required structural engineering. WA State plans must comply with the WA State Energy Code, and the architect guarantees permit approval for the plans, site issues excepted. If you want to build this plan in WA State, please contact us for custom pricing.

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To request a modification quote, please use the Modification Request Form.

About This Plan

IMPORTANT NOTE: Not for Sale for Construction in the State of Washington. If you live in the State of Washington and would like to purchase these plans, please contact us for more information.

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